Getting some exercise is important, yet often we are unable to make time for it. But little did you know that house work can be a great way to burn calories. When you don’t have time to work out or hit the gym, these hacks will help you burn calories and stay physically active while doing the home chores. Check out these exercises that you can do at home without using any equipment.

  1. Step Exercises
    While you wait for your washing machine to finish the last spin or the cooker to do its work, make the most of the stairs to tone your leg muscles. Walk up and down the stairs while you wait. If you have a multi-storey house and have to cart things from one floor to another, take few items at a time, instead of taking all the things at one go. In this way you’ll be able to complete the work and also spend some more time toning your legs.
  2. Stretches
    Stretching tends to loosen and relieve the muscles. This exercise helps increase your flexibility and reduces the risk of muscular injuries. While doing the laundry, keep the laundry basket on the floor when you’re ironing. That way you’ll constantly have to bend and stretch to reach the clothes. You can also do wall push-ups or kitchen counter push-ups while you wait for your tea to boil or while your dish is simmers.
  3. Arms and Shoulders Exercise
    It may be easier and tempting to clean your floor with a handle mop but getting on your haunches and giving the floor a good scrub with a hand mop has dual advantages. Your floor will be a lot cleaner and, most importantly, you’ll be able to exercise your arms and shoulders. Remember to switch arms while mopping to benefit both your upper limbs equally.
  4. Sit Ups
    Sit ups can be done anytime, while watching TV, waiting for a download to complete on your laptop, etc. Doing sit ups is a quick way to strengthen your abdominal muscles which can eventually help you get that sculpted body. “Building your abdominal muscles increases your ability to burn more calories which means more fat burnt”, asserts Dr. Mohammed Shafi, Apollo Family Physician.
  5. Walking
    Walking is an underrated form of exercise but it works wonders to regulate blood pressure, prevent osteoarthritis and keep dementia at bay. Plan your housework in such a manner that you constantly have to move around the house. Instead of home delivery opt for take away and walk down to the restaurant to collect your parcel. Another alternative is to walk the talk i.e. walk while talking on the phone. You could also, walk your food down because there is no better way to digest your food than going for a stroll after a meal.

These exercises are not only beneficial and easy but are also suitable for beginners. The best part about these workouts is that you don’t have to stall your work to stay fit. So go ahead and make these exercises a routine from today itself and you’ll see and feel the results by just putting in a little extra effort.

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