Types of Arthritis

Arthritis is a condition characterized by inflammation of a joint, which results in pain, stiffness, and loss of motion in some cases. Arthritis is a relatively common condition in India and affects 15% people i.e. over 180 million people in India. There exist about 100 different types of arthritis, out of which some are very common and others are extremely rare. Most signs of arthritis are similar such as joint pain, inflammation, problems with movement, fatigue etc. However, there still exist ...

How to protect your bones and care for them: Tips, Remedies & Exercises

Bones are a significant component of the body which provide a structural framework to the body, protect internal organs from injury and assist in movement. However, bones are at a constant risk for wear and tear due to a number of causes including age, diseases, deficiencies, traumas, and injuries. Osteoporosis is a disease in which bones deteriorate or become brittle and fragile, which increases the risk of a broken bone. Osteoporosis symptoms are not widely known. Because of the key functions...

5 Simple Exercises to Keep Your Heart Healthy and Happy

To live your life to the fullest, a healthy heart is what you need. You probably already know that a well-balanced diet and regular exercises will help you amplify your heart health and also support heart failure treatment. But, is that all? Which exercises will actually do good? Should you practice them every day? We have all the answers right here. Incorporate these 5 simple exercises into your everyday lifestyle and strengthen your heart and intensify its happiness.  Walking  Ther...

Healthy Lifestyle Tips for Healthy Heart

The heart is one of the most crucial and hardworking organs of the body and proper heart function is essential to support life. Its main function includes pumping blood carrying oxygen and nutrients to all organs of the body. Besides carrying the clean blood, the heart also transports the blood carrying waste products such as carbon dioxide to the lungs so they can be eliminated from the body. Because of the crucial roles that the heart performs, it naturally becomes important to keep it healthy...

Signs and symptoms of cardiac arrest

Cardiac arrest is an extremely critical heart condition. In a cardiac arrest, the heart abruptly stops pumping blood, which restricts blood flow to the brain and other vital organs in the body causing them to lose consciousness. The heart has an electrical system and function of its own which controls the rhythm of the heartbeat. A sudden cardiac arrest may occur as a result of the electrical disturbances or irregular heartbeat (arrhythmia). Physical stress, severe lack of oxygen, intense physic...

Top 5 health issues in Females that leads to weight gain

Women go through many changes at different stages in their lives, some big and some small, and weight gain is a major challenge. Proper care is necessary, in each stage. Have you ever wondered, that despite maintaining a clean diet, exercising daily, drinking enough water and sleeping soundly, you still gain those pounds?? Let’s delve deeper. The weight gain may be due to an underlying health condition. There are some medical issues which lead to gain in weight. Hypothyroidism: An underactive...

Power Foods for Diabetes

Food plays an important role in managing diabetes. A healthy diet is essential for anyone with diabetes or pre-diabetes. Food that’s low in carbs, calories and glycemic index (GI) is recommended for diabetics. GI measures how quickly a food raises blood sugar levels. According to Dr. Anish Behl, Endocrinologist, Apollo Clinic Mysore, there are some power foods that are essential for anyone who wants to control their blood sugar levels. Include these foods in your diabetes food chart to fight dia...

5 Effective Ways to Control Diabetes

Controlling diabetes is a continuous, relentless challenge; but with a little bit of knowledge and dedication, diabetes care can become second nature. Though there is no natural cure for diabetes, you can lead a normal, balanced life if you learn how to control your blood glucose levels. As explained by Dr. Anish Behl, Endocrinologist, Apollo Clinic, Mysore, in type 2 diabetes, the pancreas doesn't work as effectively as it should.  This means that the body is unable to effectively convert gluc...

Obesity Risk Factors

Obesity is a serious problem. People with obesity are at risk of developing obesity-related diseases. It is the result of consuming excess calories without being able to use them or burn them. Calories get converted into fat and are stored in the body and that is how one tends to put on weight. However, there are other factors that contribute to obesity. 1- Lifestyle Lifestyle and social factors can be linked to weight gain. Making unhealthy choices with food and lifestyle leads to obesity. Wi...

5 Foods You Must Eat If You Have Irregular Periods

The average gap between two periods is around 28 days. If your periods are often delayed by more than a week then you could be suffering from oligomenorrhea. This is the medical term for the common condition of irregular periods. The causes for irregular periods can be many - thyroid disorders, stress, travel, excessive consumption of alcohol or caffeine, etc. Here are some foods that can help you treat irregular periods. Ginger From getting rid of cold to improving digestion, ginger...